About Me

My name is Zhang Heng(张恒). You can call me Gavin. I was born in 1990s.

I am an IT developer focusing on back-end technology, and a strong advocate and believer of Free Software.I used to serve jd.com as an Data Mining engineer and now serve Alibaba as a Technical Expert.

I have a bachelor of engineering degree from Northwest University of China.

In spare time, I like reading book, surfing internet and watching movie.





  1. 尊敬的站长您好,在这留下评论,如有造成不便,还望您能谅解。那这里我先简单的介绍一下。我是Thomas,代表Blend Hosting,是一间来自于马来西亚的托管服务商,我们在近期了解到了贵站,并有意向想在您的网站上投稿,不知贵站是否有提供投稿服务,并且是需要符合什么要求与条件呢?。最后,欢迎站长您随时联系我(联系方式:marketing@blendhosting.com),期待可以收到您的回复,感谢!
